Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Y6 Wales Residential
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Y6 have begun their journey home from Wales after a week of fun in the sun-but mostly rain. Mrs. Dixon has said that they have been an AWESOME group and have really thrown themselves into every activity and have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. No doubt she will have more photos to put on the website…

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Mission Year 6!
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Year 6 were tasked with a mission; who can get the most muddy? Despite the rainy weather, Year 6 are loving every minute of their school trip.

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Year 6 are in WALES!!
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We have arrived in Wales and having a marvellous time! A bit choppy on the boat but we had arrived at the centre by 2pm and got straight into activities!

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Dolphin Gala 2023
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What an amazing group of swimmers we took to the Dolphin Gala this year. They did our school proud with an impressive 5th place finish, finishing just one point behind the 4th place school. Well done for representing our school!

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Football Tournament 24th March 2023
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Congratulations to the nineteen Year Five and Six girls who took part in the Primary Girls' Football Festival on Friday. The girls conducted themselves superbly on and off the pitch and approached all the games with determination and a huge sense of fun. Both teams finished in the top half of their…

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Y3 Tag Rugby-Tuesday 7th February 2023
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On Tuesday 7th Feb, a team of Year 3s took part in the Primary school’s Tag Rugby Fun Festival. It was a massive event with 27 teams taking part. The Festival was a chance for the teams to practise their skills in a competitive arena and we had to play against 5 other schools in our pool. It was al…

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Y3 Bird Watching
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27th-29th January was Big Garden Birdwatch where families were asked to survey the birds that visited their garden. Y3 are lucky as they do this everyday!! Y3 have a bird feeder attached to the window of their classroom upstairs. They find it fascinating to watch the birds who come to visit the fee…

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The Choir singing in Regent Street-Thursday 15th December 2022
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The choir went to Regent Street for late night Christmas shopping on Thursday 15th December to bring festive cheer to all the shoppers. We were based by the lovely Christmas tree outside Marks and Spencers that kept bursting into music every 15 minutes to compete with us!! We were not put off thoug…

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