Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Question and Answers Tour of Tynwald
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On Monday 15th January, children from the school council went for a tour around Tynwald. They went in to all three chambers: Green Chamber – House of Keys, Red Chamber – Legislative Council and Blue Chamber – Tynwald. All the children were a credit to Scoill Vallajeelt. They listened extremely well…

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Junior Story Book Club - 17th January 2024
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Today we started "Why The Whales Came" by Michael Morpurgo at Junior Story Book Club in the Cabin. We read Chapter 1 and were introduced to Gracie and Daniel, the main characters. We found out a little bit about Rushy Bay and The Birdman. The children are excited and intrigued to find out what will…

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Infant Story Book Club - 8th January 2024
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Today, we enjoyed "Mighty Mo" by Alison Brown at Infant Story Book Club in the Cabin. "Mighty Mo" is a story about a raccoon called Mo, who can't quite find a job that suits his unique talents. He keeps on trying and with the help of his friends, finds his niche at the zoo. Eden said, "I liked it b…

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Sing Along with Mr Molyneux
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On Tuesday 19th December, Mr Molyneux did a sing-a-long assembly with the whole school. The children were able to choose songs for Mr Molyneux to play and sing. It was lovely to watch and listen to and really got everyone in the Christmas spirit.

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Reindeer Run
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On Tuesday 19th December, Josh from Live at Home came in to collect the sponsorship money we raised doing the wet and soggy Reindeer Run on Friday 8th December. One person from each class helped to present the cheque along with the Christmas Cards some of the children had made in Reception, Year 1…

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World Kindness Day
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On Thursday 14th December, Mrs Brew from Grant Thornton Isle of Man came into school to present some prizes to the children. On Monday 13th November, we celebrated World Kindness Day and all children from years 1 to 6 entered a Drawing Competition to design a poster that embodies their own perspect…

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Young Carer's Award-Monday 22nd November 2023
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Y6 organised a wonderful coffee morning on Friday 13th October -thank you to all our school community who either donated cakes or attended. Maddy, from Young Carers, was blown away by the children’s teamwork, enthusiasm and the amount they raised - £432.22! She said it is the largest amount they ha…

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Badminton Festival
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On Tuesday 14th November, a team of children from years 5 & 6 took part in the Primary School’s Badminton Festival at the NSC. We started in Pool 2 playing against CYB B, Ballacottier Bashers and St. Mary’s Missiles. The team played extremely well demonstrating some amazing serves and returns and w…

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