Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Y6 Residential to Wales Tuesday 14th May 2024
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Tuesday was a day full of fun where the children did raft building-and testing- and also went on a hill walk. The raft building surely tested team work skills as well as those who were daring enough to test it at the end. Mrs. Dixon said there were lots of howl and guffaws as the children set sail…

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Y6 Residential to Wales Monday 13th May 2024
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Y6 have arrived safely in Wales! They had a VERY early start at the Sea Terminal yesterday but had a very smooth crossing to Liverpool. Disembarking, they got onto the coach and started off for Wales. Arriving safely, the children settled into their dormitories and then straight into activities. Fr…

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Douglas Council Meeting
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On Wednesday 13th March the school council children went to observe a Douglas Council Meeting at the City Hall. The trip linked in well with the role of the School Council and followed on from the Tynwald Q&A Tour as it helped the children to understand the wider role of the council and how they me…

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Years 4, 5 and 6 Girls Football Tournament
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On Tuesday 12th March, we took part in the Years 4, 5 and 6 Girls Football Tournament at The Bowl. There were 25 teams in total and we entered four of them; Jubilee United, Jubilee FC, Jubilee Vikings and Meadow Campus (half Vallajeelt and half St. Thomas’s). All teams played extremely well against…

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2024 Cross Country Championship
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On Thursday 7th March 12 children (6 girls and 6 boys) took part in the Primary School’s Cross Country Championship. It was a massive event with over 250 children taking part from 24 Primary Schools across the island. It was the first time Vallajeelt had taken part in this event for a number of yea…

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Off by Heart Poetry Competition Thursday 7th March 2024
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Congratulations to all the children who learned a poem during book week! It takes a lot of effort to learn and a lot of courage to say it out loud in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL! Competition heats were held in each class and the top 2 from each class went through to the final held in front of the who…

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Daffodil Competition Monday 4th March 2024
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Congratulations to all the green fingers who nurtured their daffodil bulb since last autumn and managed to produce a blooming daffodil for our competition on Monday. It's tricky to care for the bulb to grow and bloom for a certain date so well done! Collectively, the entries did look like a 'host o…

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Tag Rugby Festival 2024
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On Tuesday 13th February 5 teams from years 2 and 3 took part in the Primary School’s Tag Rugby Fun Festival. It was a massive event with 30 teams taking part. The festival was a chance for the teams to practise their skills in a competitive setting, with this being some children’s first experience…

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Cherry Godfrey Competition
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On Tuesday 23rd January, Alexia from Cherry Godfrey came into school to present a cheque for £250 as one of our children had won a prize in their colouring competition! Cherry Godfrey held an island wide KS1 Christmas colouring competition before Christmas. Each year group on the island had an over…

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