Week Beginning 9th December
After a busy week of panto rehearsals last week, we were glad to get back to some sort of normality this week. Even if it is only for this week!!
In Numeracy, we are trying to squeeze in one last topic before we break up for Christmas - Position & Direction. We have been reading coordinates in 4 quadrants and even moved on to 'translation' by the end of the week - this is when you move a shape or point in the x and/or y direction. We did have lots of fun making secret code words for our friends though!!
We have continued our Victorians topic learning about the Industrial Revolution, Health & Medicine and even looking at some census records!
Week Beginning 2nd December
Panto took over our lives this week so there are no pictures to share!
Week Beginning 25th November
Our Gaiety Theatre trip this week was amazing! It was great to go around all of the areas of the Gaiety that most people don't get to see! All the children behaved fantastically, asking lots of really interesting questions, doing the school proud!
Week Beginning 11th and 18th November
Our Literacy topic is now well under way as we read the book 'Street Child'. We have been learning about the Victorian lifestyle while we read. We have been doing lots of writing but also having some fun as we dramatise the story. This week saw us creating 'freeze frames' of Chapter 2.
We organised 'Children in Need' during the week and we did a marvellous job too. Every child in the school had great fun when they came into our activity room and Year 6 proved how amazing they are running each stall and giving out prizes.
In Numeracy, we've been finishing our topic working on BODMAS (the order of operations) and finally revising what we've learnt in such a big topic before our test next week. Lots of learning to remember from before half term but Mathletics is certainly helping!
Week Beginning 4th November
What a first week back!
We've had the parents in for our STEM morning. We learnt all about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his amazing talent as an engineer. We looked closely at the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol and then tried to recreate it using toilet rolls and string. We learnt all about how a suspension bridge worked...and it did! Some us managed to put 9 weights on our bridge without it falling!
We also went head first into our Victorians topic. We've looked at the Kings and Queens of England in the past few hundred years to work out how Victoria became Queen and how she is related to our current Royal Family. We've also talked about our Homework Project for the next few weeks and everyone's really excited about getting started!
Week Beginning 21st October
In our final week before the half term holidays, we have been writing, writing , writing!! Amazingly, we have written 2 stories this week and done a spectacular job with them as well. This has been the end of our Literacy topic on 'suspense' so the children have been very keen to show off all that they have learnt about how to make the reader think that something bad will happen.
In Numeracy, we have been securing our knowledge of division methods and putting them into practice whilst solving problems.
We have finally begun our Victorian topic and we're all very eager to find out about Queen Victoria first!
We also had a special visit from the Music Service where we learnt about Pulse, Rhythm, Pitch and Dynamics whilst listening to them play some incredible music. It was a really great afternoon and some of our class even got to take part!!
Week Beginning 14th October
What a week we've had! As well as continuing with our Numeracy and Literacy topics we have planned, carried out and even evaluated our Science experiments. We started off with a topic we know quite a bit about to make sure we can develop our scientific enquiry skills perfectly. We all chose a variable which would have an affect on dissolving and in small groups planned and carried out our tasks. We had lots of fun and Mrs D, Mrs P and Mrs A we're all very proud of the way we independently got on with our tasks - even tidying up afterwards!!
Week Beginning 7th October
In Literacy, we have managed to learn the 15 tools for creating suspense and have been collecting ideas, words, phrases, sentences from different authors. We then started creating our own ideas and 'magpie'ing each others!
We took part in a Multiplication Treasure hunt in Numeracy this week. Mrs D hid some problem solving questions around the school and we had to find them, solve them and show her the correct answer before she gave us the next clue! This was such a fun task!!
We've also had 2 sets of special visitors in our class. On Wednesday, PC Kennuagh came in to talk to us about the difference between 'Bullying and Banter', particularly online. Then towards the end of the week some very small, feathered visitors came into see us. They were very cute...until they pooped everywhere!!
Week Beginning 30th September
Our Literacy topic continues this week as we delve deeper into the mindset of an author. We have been considering how an author can create suspense. There are 15 different tools an author can use and to start us off Mrs Dixon made us find them in our toolkit treasure hunt! Our next job is to see if we can learn them off by heart!
Numeracy has seen us developing a variety of multiplication strategies for bigger numbers including decimals. We have learnt Short, Long, Grid, Factor and Lattice method. Next week, we can work on problem solving with tricky multiplication questions and we get to choose which method we like best!
Week Beginning 23rd September
Another great week of learning!
In Literacy we have been delving further into our story. We now know every paragraph so why not ask your child to recite the story to you and see how they do! Some of them are quite the performers!!
In Numeracy, we have finally moved onto our next topic called "Four Operations". This is a massive topic but we have started this week with a revision of addition and subtraction skills, as well as through problem solving.
In Science, we have worked in groups to plan our first science test. The children worked in small groups and have totally amazed Mrs Dixon with their super Year 6 learning dispositions! Long may it continue!!
Week Beginning 16th September
What a week of cycling! Year 6 are very glad that the weather stayed glorious for them all week! They have learnt the Highway Code, how to get on and off a bike safely, how to take left and right turns both into and out of a junction. All our hard work paid off though when it was announced on Thursday that we had all passed Level 1 and 2!
In Numeracy, we are just finishing our first topic would you believe after our fantastic efforts! Negative numbers and Rounding have been up for discussion this week! Hopefully we'll do well in our Numeracy test next week!!
In Literacy, we have been continuing to learn our model text. Videos coming soon...Watch this Space!
We have been talking about Scientific Enquiry in Science. This weeks task was to sort out a set of science experiments into the different types of scientific enquiry. A tricky thing to master but lots of fantastic Science talk going on!
Week beginning 9th September
What a first week back! Year 6 have been enjoying the Year 6 life this week as we start to fill up our diaries with the events for our final year of primary school! We have started our new topics in literacy, Numeracy and Science and everyone has been trying their best to show Mrs Dixon their absolute best!