A very warm welcome to the class of 2024.
It all begins here ...
Look how much we have grown!!
We enjoyed our first visit to the library this week.
The last two weeks have been very busy! We enjoyed learning about mass in maths and looking at the souvenirs from around the world.
This week we have been working on our resilience. As a team, we had to build towers with blocks. We had a lot of fun!
WELCOME BACK! And Happy New Year.
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.
We started our term with some yoga. The children enjoyed the session.
Autumn B week 7: We have ended the term on a high! What an exceptional week it has been.
Wishing our Reception family and friends a very Merry Christmas.
Autumn B Week 6: Not one but two exciting things happened this week... Santa came to visit and we shared the story of the Nativity with our families and friends.
Autumn B Week 5: Christmas in Reception.. celebrations are well underway.
Autumn B Week 4: We recently celebrated KINDNESS week. Congratulations to our class winner :)
Autumn B Week 3: We enjoyed spending time with our Buddies this week.
Autumn B Week 2: Today we had a fun dress-down day to raise money for Children in Need.
We have had a very busy start to our term. We have had IOM cricket introduce some cricket basics to us, had a most enjoyable Stay and Learn session, and had our first dance lesson.
W/B 21/10/24
This week, all things Hop Tu Naa. We have enjoyed our learning this term and are ready for a well-deserved break! I'm looking forward to seeing all the children back after half term.
W/B 14/10/24
Look at our hedgehogs! They are about to go into hibernation and can be found sleeping on our classroom walls.
W/B 07/10/24
We have been busy collecting all things Autumnal.
W/B 30/09/24
We had a wonderful visit from PC Lou this week. We got to sit in her police van and dress up as new recruits!
W/B 23/09/24
This week we were all STARS in our first PE lesson.
W/B 16/09/24
We have enjoyed another full week of school. Who knew a colander and pipe cleaners made such great space hats?! We were practicing our fine motor skills which helps us develop good handwriting.
W/B 09/09/24
This has been our first week at school. We enjoy our time at school and learn new things every day.
W/B 04/09/24
We have had a fabulous start to our year. We are meeting new friends and getting to know our new environment.