Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."


Week 4:

This week, we had a special visit from the Isle of Man Creamery. We discovered the milk's journey from the cow to the creamery. We were luck enough to taste some of the different cheese the creamery produces. We also had the opportunity to make our own butter from cream.




We got to say farewell to Miss Noone who has been with us for the last 8 weeks.


Week 3:

This week, we have been practising for our school's Eurovision contest. We have been learning all about Spain and learnt how to sing Baby shark in Spanish. We created our own shark head gear to wear for our song. It was lots of fun telling the friends all the facts we have learnt about Spain. Then we sang our Tiburón bebé song.708_708_74faedf8f6e732ea7763486adb282d39.jpg?m=1715722768

In Science, we are learning about the different parts of a plant and their functions. We did an investigation to see if the stem does transport water to the different parts of the plant. We filled some jars with water and then we added food colouring. We put white roses in the coloured water and we had to wait to see if anything happens. By the next morning we noticed that some of the flower petals were changing colour. The petals were changing in colour depending on the colour of the water they were in.




Week 2:

We started our week with Forest School. We had such fun as we were so busy building the best towers possible. We even got some time to relax and have fun together on the slides and swings.





In Maths, we are learning measurement in length and height. We got to measure some objects in the class using just cubes and paper clips. It was a really busy and fun lesson.


Week 1:

We are all happy to be back at school to carry on with our learning journey.

We are reading a new book this term called 'The Bog Baby'. In one of our Literacy lessons we were learning about interviews and questions. We worked in pairs and one of us was the policeman and the other person was Chrissy from the story. We created questions that the police officer could ask Chrissy to learn more about the Bog Baby and how to describe it using exciting adjectives. We then got our iPads and filmed our interviews.


We had some special visitors pop in to see us and to teach us how to be farm friendly while we are out walking with our families. We got to meet and touch Ooof (sheep), Peanut (cow) and Sammy (lamb).





What a busy term we had!

We ended off the term with a fun music lesson where we got to play on the glockenspiels! We learnt how to play Hot Cross Buns! 708_708_8f9f85b7a05c0c8aba0aa2dde43e0174.jpg?m=1714049238

We celebrated World Book day and got to read lots of different books.


During Guided Reading, we used our iPads to login into our Oxford Owl class account. We learnt how to login in by ourselves and how to find an exciting book to read.




In Literacy, we were reading the book called "Toys in Space'. We noticed that the story had lots of speech bubbles. We discovered that speech bubbles show us what the characters are saying. We decided we wanted to create our own speech bubbles for our story.





In Science, we were learning about Everyday Materials. We discussing how to describe the materials and learning what the material's properties are. We did an investigation to see which materials are waterproof and if they would be suitable to make a coat out of that material.




In our Yoga lessons, we were challenging our bodies to go into different positions. Our favourite lesson was when we were Spiderman walking up the wall.






Term 2:

Week 2:

This week we have being learning how to move our bodies into different yoga positions. Some positions are so easy and others were a little tricky.



Our 3 yoga stars this week are :


Week 1:

What a busy start to the new half term we have had. This week we were preparing and practising for our Harvest Assembly on Thursday.


We worked in groups to create our tractor back drop for our assembly.


Mrs Maurel was so proud of us as we did our assembly beautifully. We were dressed up as farmers and had a fun day baking our own bread.







Look how beautifully our bread turned out! The best part was getting to eat some of the bread with butter and strawberry jam, Our bread was so big we even got to take some home to share with our families.



Welcome to Year 1.

We have had a busy start to our year already. The first few days we have been practising writing our numbers and letters so that we can start with the 'real' work this full week. I'm so proud of my whole class already as each child has settled in well and has been trying their very best.

Week 5:

This week in Science we have been learning about our bodies. We had a first scientific enquiry that we had to solve. We played a quick game of pictionary, where we had to draw a body part and our friend had to guess what it was.



Then we had a scientific question that we decided we had to find out the answer to. The question was ... "Does the youngest person always have the smallest sized foot?"

We had a discussion about how we could work this out. We got into groups and decided we needed to draw around our feet to compare our sizes.



Finally we cut out our feet and ordered them from smallest to biggest. We then worked out our ages and discussed our findings before sharing it with class.


We found out that the youngest person does not always have the smallest foot.

We also had a skipping workshop where we learnt the how to use a skipping rope. We practiced all the skills that we were taught. We had lots of fun and we were quite tired after all that skipping.



Week 4:

This week we had a fun session with the Janelle and Sally from Isle of Man cricket. We were practicing our balancing skills and movement. We had to use our bodies as a bridge to roll a ball under. We had to think of different ways we could move our bodies into bridges.


We had to balance a beanbag on our heads while walking around. If one of our beanbags dropped then a friend had to bend down, pick it up and put it back on our heads while they still had their beanbags on their heads! It was very tricky!





We put different types of PE equipment on our friends to test their balancing. We even had to do it with our eyes closed!

Week 3:

This week we got to meet the author, Simon Murray, who showed us how to create our own Icky Doo Dah creature following 23 simple steps in 23 minutes. We got to read the Icky Doo Dah book - which we loved!


Mr Murray hold us how he came up with the Icky Doo Dah character.


We were given a piece of paper that had two little lines on. We used this to create our own Icky Doo Dah.




We used our fingers to practice drawing in some details before we used our pencils because we were not allowed to use a rubber.

Week 2:

This week we were learning about using different materials and skills to create a piece of art work. We created our own sheep using bubble wrap that we painted and then drew our faces and legs using black cardboard which we then had to cut out ( this was quite tricky!). We used light and dark green tissue paper to create a collage of the green fields that we can see sheep on. Finally we scrunched up some tinfoil that we dapped in white paint to create the wispy clouds found in the sky. We really enjoyed this lesson as we are working hard to improve our fine motor skills which will help with our handwriting.






Week 1:

This week in Maths we have been learning about sorting objects into different groups. We found out that objects can be sorted by colour, size and type. We had fun working in pairs to sort objects into different groups and then discussing how we grouped them with the rest of the class.


We sorted our objects by colour.


We sorted our objects by type.


We also sorted our objects by the same type of fruit.


We sorted our objects into two groups. One group was for fruit that you need to peel before you eat and the other group had fruit that didn't need you to peel.

We finished off our lesson with our favourite counting action song.
