Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."


w/c 15/07/24 (The Last Week!)

This week, at last, we have completed our puppet topic! We've used so many skills and resilience has been the biggest factor in our success. What a lovely end to a brilliant year.


w/c 08/07/24

This week we've been learning about shapes in maths, including looking at nets of 3D shapes to find out about faces. The mixed outcomes lead to some brilliant maths talk and everyone identified how they'd improve next time.


w/c 01/07/24

This week we're making puppets! Here you can see the early stages of some finger puppets.



w/c 24/06/24

This week we started our "Economic Wellbeing" topic in PSHE. We found out about where money comes from! This person would like to be a swimming teacher to earn money. What job would you like to do?


w/c 17/06/24

This week we started learning about electricity, which included making simple circuits. How exciting!


w/c 10/06/24

This week we have tried a few different techniques with watercolour paints. You might get to enjoy the finished products this weekend!


w/c 13/05/24

We're almost ready to write our own journey tales! Have you heard about Story Hands? We use them to plan our stories and keep on track when we write them.



w/c 06/05/24

This week, we were lucky enough to welcome the Isle of Man Creamery to school. We found out about the journey from cow to cup and had the chance to ask lots of questions. We also taste tested some of the cheese that is made at the Isle of Man Creamery. We tried mild, mature and vintage cheddar as well as making our own butter from cream. Can you tell which cheese is which just from looking?




w/c 29/04/24

This week we went to see the whole World! We talked about what we can do as individuals to help protect our planet.




w/c 22/04/24

We're getting ready for Walk to School Week.



w/c 15/04/24

This week we welcomed the Manx National Farmers' Union into school to teach us about the Countryside Code.


w/c 25/03/24

This week we visited Knockaloe Beg Farm to learn about how the farm works, meet the animals and work with Manx Birdlife to spot and identify some of our local wild birds and bugs! Thanks to Farmer John and Fiona from Knockaloe Beg Farm and to Anna from Manx Birdlife, who helped us all learn so much!



w/c 18/03/24

This week Year 2 welcomed their grown ups in for a time travelling assembly that took everyone back to the Great Fire of London. The performances were fabulous! We also finished drawing up and annotating our inventions for the "If You Were An Engineer What Would You Do 2024" competition as well as writing a letter persuading the judges of the importance of the inventions.

w/c 04/03/24

It has been a busy week and we have enjoyed Stay & Learn and World Book Day as well as our usual exciting learning. We created wonderful pieces of artwork representing different emotions at Stay and Learn. Thank you for coming along.



w/c 26/02/24

This week we finished our pieces of art depicting The Great Fire of London. The children were given a choice of techniques and materials to use and the results are on display in the classroom.


w/c 12/02/24

Look at all of those ears and tails! Year 2 raised money for the MSPCA today by dressing as animals.


w/c 05/02/24

This week we were very lucky to have a visit from Douglas Red Watch. The team showed us around and inside the fire engine and how the equipment is used to fight fires and keep people safe. The children enjoyed sharing their knowledge with Red Watch and it was fascinating to imagine what fire fighting must've been like at the time of The Great Fire of London compared with modern times. We were reminded to test our smoke detectors and went through a plan of action for what to do in an emergency.



w/c 29/01/24

The children have been using "bits and pieces" to create some intricate artwork this week. The children always have the opportunity to lead their own learning and further develop techniques they've learnt in class and elsewhere. They are able to use a wide range of resources that are freely available for them every day and are especially keen on tiny loose parts, washi tape and ribbons at the moment. It's always a treat to be given a precious piece of artwork that has taken such time, care and attention to create!


w/c 22/01/24

This week we have been learning about the commutative law and also about inverse operations.


w/c 15/01/24

This week we have been working on our reasoning skills in maths. It's great to be able to find the correct answer and even more important to be able to show how you know!


w/c 08/01/24

This week was our penultimate week of Forest School. It was very cold and despite our greatest efforts we did not manage to build a roaring fire. A few of us managed a spark or two though!


w/c 18/12/23

This week we followed along with a drawing tutorial and produced some amazing robin pictures.


w/c 11/12/23

This week we studied "Dream of Arcadia" by Thomas Cole. We considered how Thomas Cole used shapes, colour and light to develop mood in his art. We spent some time outside taking photographs and drawing sketches, with a view to developing our own piece of art later on. We certainly have some budding photographers in Year 2.



w/c 04/12/23

One, two, three...where are you? This week we enjoyed our first week at Forest School. This photo perfectly illustrates Year 2's excellent hiding skills!


w/c 27/11/23

This week we learnt about soft /g/ and soft /c/ in our phonics lessons. Can you remember the rule that tells you when to use them?


w/c 20/11/23

This week we finished our Remembrance topic by making some tissue paper poppies. We had to consider how to get the petals to stay at the top of the green straw stem, which was a challenge. We added them to our display board alongside some of the lovely pieces of art completed for homework.

w/c 13/11/23

This week we really enjoyed welcoming some of our grown ups into class to help us learn about how to manage our big feelings in a healthy way. We made chatterboxes to help us choose and remember what we can do when we have big feelings. What helps you with your big feelings?



w/c 06/11/23

This week we started our Nonsense Poetry topic. We learnt a poem, called "The News" by Michael Rosen, off by heart and illustrate our favourite part.


w/c 30/10/23

This week we learnt to add across a 10, which can sometimes be tricky. We learnt about choosing to work at either a concrete, pictorial or abstract level to help us understand a tricky concept before moving on to challenge ourselves at other levels.


w/c 16th October 2023

This week we made the most of the sunshine and tried some field sketching.



w/c 9th October 2023

We were lucky enough to have some expert skipping coaching this week. And yet more blurry photos showing just how much effort the children put in!



w/c 2nd October 2023

We started the week off with some ROCK! We learnt about resilience in our Rock Kidz session and the blurred photo was the best I could do given the HIGH ENERGY of the children, who loved every second.


w/c 25th September 2023

This week we had our first handwriting lesson! We practised our spelling words for this week. We always have eight decodable words with two common exception words at the end to learn.


w/c 18th September 2023

This week we were very lucky to be visited by a real-life, famous children's author and illustrator! Simon Murray, author of the Icky Doo Dah books, spent some time with us teaching us how to illustrate a character and use it as a starting point for writing a story!



w/c 11th September 2023

This week in maths we've been learning to read, write and represent numbers to 100 in a range of ways.
