Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Year 5 - St James CofE Primary School, Wardle : St James ...

Welcome to Y5!

Find out what we have been learning about this term.


Week 6; 20th- 24th May

Week 5; 13th - 17th May

This week we took part in an African drumming session! We had so much fun learning about different instruments; how they are played and what they are made from. We were all so brilliant that we preformed a traditional African tune to KS1. Well done everyone!




Week 4; 7th- 10th May

This week we continued our ICT work on the Microbits. Year 5 have become fantastic at coding, and programming a variety of different algorithms into this tiny computer. We have created a beating heartbeat, happy face games and even programmed a game of rock paper scissors, which we all battled to win against the computers 'random' code block.

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Week 3; 29th April - 3rd May

We have been learning all about Philippe Petit - the world famous French high wire artist. Petit, is known around the world for his many unauthorised highwire walks including: Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in 1971, f Sydney Harbour Bridge in 1973, and his infamous walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City on the morning of 7 August 1974. Year 5 have been researching, and becoming real life journalists to write a super newspaper report on Petits Twin Tower performance. We have been practicing writing in different tenses alongside using quotes, ellipsis, puns and time adverbials to create an engaging report. In class we read the book 'The Man Who Walked Between the towers' by Mordicai Gerstein and analysed the story for some inspiration and background into the events of the 7 August 1974. Many of us agreed that the books illustrations were hypnotising, and portrayed the height of the towers very well (1,350 feet).


Have a read of the book by clicking the link below:

Have a look at some of our spectacular newspaper articles from the 1970's!


Week 2; 23rd- 28th April

We have been so busy this week, especially in guided reading!

Year 5 have created some fantastic double page spreads this week to showcase the knowledge that each of us have gained from our current novels.



Week 1; 15th - 20th April


We all had a blast at the Venture Centre this week! Year 5 learnt some fantastic new skills like abseiling, canoeing and much more. We even completed an assault course which resulted in the majority of us being soggy and frezzinggggg. The activity were all super fun and we all loved every minute of this adventure.



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Week 11; 25th - 28th March

WOW! What a week we have had. Year 5 have been steaming through all of their topics and finishing off their work before the easter holidays. Miss Mc Gill is super proud of the Year 5's they have become! Super work this term guys :)

To end our Easter term, we hosted the most AMAZING generation game ever! Even though Miss Mc Gill didn't get the win! We still had the best time.

Week 10; 18th-22nd March

This week in PSHE we looked at self-care.

Year 5 loved making their very own self-care shields to share their daily/weekly self-care practices, and how these help us to develop a positive, loving and caring mindset. Whilst giving us the grit, determination and resilience to master all of lives ups and downs. Nothing can stop us now!

Well done team!


Week 9; 11th March - 15th March

We finished and showcased our fantastic printing work this week which we have been working on with Mrs Kinrade! Everyone produced such beautiful pieces of art. Well done Year 5!


This week we devising our very own character toolkit based on our model text - The Dreamgiver. Year 5, have been introduced to DE:DE sentences this week, in order to advance their descriptive writing through adding extra detail after a colon (:). They have been absulutly fantastic at providing extra details in order to hook the reader and portray the character effectively through their writing.

* Turn yourself into a teacher by teaching someone at home how to write a DE:DE sentence. Then, when you think they are as brilliant at using them in their writing as your are. Write down their example of a de:de sentence in your homework book!

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More marvellous maths! Year 5 have been working so hard on their long multiplication this week, although we have faced new tricky challenges, everyone is so motivated on mastering this new method of multiplication. Bring on the challenge we say!


Week 8; 4th March - 8th March

Another fantastic, yet busy week in Year 5! We had some absolutely terrific daffodils from Year 5, so a huge congratulations to all you superstars who took part .

We celebrated another awesome World Book Day this year! Everyone got involved, and our beautiful classroom became home to many magical creatures, famous faces, evil villains and of course a huge Teletubbie (Benji) who won best dressed in year 5.


We also celebrated our very own Year 5 Shakespeare - Ishaan Mishra :)

Winning 1st place in the Off By Heart poetry competition from his spectacular performance of The Witches Spell.


In science we explored mechanisms, discovering how everything we use in daily life often involves a specific mechanism to function appropriately. We then jumped right into our young engineer brains: creating some unique inventions to make our lives easier. Using our prior knowledge of mechanisms, we discussed which mechanism - cog, pulley or leaver would work best and why...



Week 7; 26th February - 1st March

This week we delved into the formal method and the box method of multiplication. We used each method to multiply larger three, four and FIVE digit numbers !

Year 5, loved learning about the different processes and how we can use these methods to reach our mathematics goals. Which is your favourite?





Week 6; 12th - 16th February

This week we explored squared and cubed numbers in mathematics.

Year 5, loved using cubes to represent and support their calculations! Fantastic work everyone :).



In pairs we created a colourful array city for our mathematics working wall in Year 5. We used our fabulous knowledge of squared numbers to create this memorable display.




Week 5; 5th - 10th February

Can you believe that its the second last week of term already!

Year 5 have been steaming through their new topics. We have focused on volcanoes and the structure of the Earth this week to help us better understand the planet in which we live in. We loved making double page spreads to support our geographical knowledge whilst, showcasing some fantastic arts and crafts skills in the process.

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We looked at the importance of prediction and even added a new word to our WOW wall - Hypothesises!


But thats not all! We also made our own paper helicopters!

After we tested the helicopters we had a challenge to design our very own version however, there was a twist. The new version had to be more air resistant so we had to get our thinking caps on to design a marvellous creation which not only flies but also meets the variables of our investigation.

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Week 4; 29th January - 2nd February

This week we looked at our model text - Harry Potters first look at Hogwarts. We discussed how J.K Rowling creates an impactful setting both in the book and movie scene. As a class, we then discussed why it was important for her to use specific vocabulary, and highlight unique features of the characters surroundings to create suspense and entice her audience to continue reading.

As we watched the scene, Year 5 imagined they were journeying with Harry and Ron towards Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The children were encouraged to use their 5 senses, and record what they could see, hear, smell, taste and feel on this classic adventure. We called this jumping into the characters shoes, and the lesson went down a treat for a magical Wednesday afternoon!

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We used our senses to create a brilliant gothic setting description:



Week 3; 22nd-26th January

In numeracy, Year 5 have been soaring through their new unit of multiplication and division. This week Tiny had an interesting question for Year 5 to solve. And of course they were up for the challenge! Tiny stumbled upon what we call a misconception, and in our neighbour pairs we worked together to identity and explain his misconception. Not only did we explain how Tiny method was incorrect, but we also found supporting calculations to provide evidence for our discussion.


We have also been exploring common multiples, factors, common factors and prime numbers.


We worked on memorising our Harry Potter setting description thought the use of story maps. Year 5, loved creating these unique sketches to help them recall and remember the text.

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Week 2; 15th-19th January

Another wonderful week in year 5!

This week we jumped into the world of description. We learnt all about DADWAVERS, and how we can use this technique to help us create a super setting description.



We used our new knowledge of DADWAVERS to support us during our short burst writing; where we race against the clock to produce a suspenseful, mysterious and descriptive story. Year 5 took on the challenge like champs, and produced some absolute show stoppers! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Week 1; 8th - 12th January 20224

Back to the books after a beautiful Christmas break, Year 5 are so excited to get started on their new learning adventures this term!

We kick started the fun with some science! Completing an outdoor experiment using a paper ball and a sheet of A4, to understand the effects of air resistance and gravity on moving objects. We concluded the investigation and found that objects with less surface area are more aerodynamic and therefore, fall at a faster rate.



Week 14; 18th - 22nd December

All Abord!

To celebrate our wonderful letter writing in English, and the start of the Christmas festivities year 5 had a pyjama day and watched The Polar Express with some munchies. What a brilliant way to finish off our Autumn term.



Week 13; 11th - 15th December

Reindeer Run charity event to raise money for Live at Home. Live at Home help support members to continue living independently at home where they feel happiest, for as long as possible. Year 5 didn't let the weather put them off... super work!




Some brilliant WW2 double page spreads were created this week, compiling what we have learnt about the London Blitz in the most awesome and entertaining way!


Week 12; 4th - 8th December

Outdoor art with Mrs Kinrade. We looked at fine detail and the beauty of our natural surroundings to create unique artwork in our sketchbooks.

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Week 11; 27th - 1st December

Forest school fun in year 5!

For our last week at forest school we lit a fire and toasted some yummy marshmallows. Together we shared our favourite memories from this term, and even made some cool Christmas decorations.






Week 10; 13th - 17th

This week we looked at kindness and friendships in PSHE, and celebrated world kindness day by creating some beautiful posters.



Week 9; 6th-10th November

We looked at a range of different materials in science and classified them according to a range of variables and specific properties. We also had a look at soluble and insoluble materials and thought about how we could separate materials like salt and water.

As a class we hypothesised which materials would sink, float or dissolve in water.

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Week 8; 30th- 3rd November

Screen_Shot_2023_11_13_at_18_37_31.png?m=1699900707 Turnip Competition!

We had a fantastic Hop-Tu-Naa in year 5! The whole class got involved in some spooky story telling, and we even had a go at solving some tricky halloween mysteries.

A huge well done, and congratulations to all the turnip competitors.They were all MARVELLOUS!






Week 7; 16th-20th October

This week we concluded our gadgets literacy topic. To do so, we became real life inventors and created the ultimate spy gadget! We looked at different materials and how we could use them in order to support our design. The super gadgets supported children in composing their persuasive advertisements for their end of unit big write.





Week 6; 9th -13th October

Year 5 took part in an amazing skipping workshop this week!

The whole class have some new super skipping skills which they have been practicing at playtime.



Maths Madness!

Year 5 have been facing their partners in a range of mathematical problem solving and concept games to show off their number skills and fluency using the four operations - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.



Week 5; 2nd-6th October

We have been learning about World War 2 and Benji kindly brought in some fascinating original artefacts from the war for us to look at.


We looked at some World War 2 medals that Benji's great-grandfather won in the war.


We researched and found the countries (Axis & Allies) who were involved in the war, then located them on the globe.
