Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Welcome to Year 5. Come explore what we have been learning this term!

Spring Term Begins - 2020 | Walmsley C.E. Primary School

Week 6: 10th-14th February

What a great last week of term it has been! On Wednesday we finished our volcanoes and took them out on to the playground to watch them erupt, it was so much fun. On Thursday we went on a trip to Peel Cathedral to see the Moon! The spectacular illuminated sculpture of the moon was created by renowned artist Luke Jerram. The exhibit featured a 7m (22ft) diameter moon replica, constructed using high-resolution NASA imagery that intricately mirrors the lunar surface. A specially designed soundscape by award-winning composer Dan Jones accompanied the installation, enhancing our experience. We finished the week off with Animal Day to raise money for the MSPCA.



Week 5: 3rd-9th February

As always, we have been very busy this week! As you can see our volcanoes are coming on really well now and we are nearly ready for them to erupt!!!! We have also been working on our entries for the Young Engineer competition.



In music, we have really enjoyed creating a remix of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' by adding in a double loop, we used an iPad and xylophone to help us do this.


In geography, after learning about each natural disaster, we had the chance to choose our favourite one to create a case study on.


Week 4; 27th-31st January

In literacy this week, we had loads of fun doing the direct and reported speech game. This game helped us to improve our super journalistic writing.


Our volcanoes in D.T are coming on really well! We can't wait to finish them and make them explode in the last week before half term!


Week 3; 20-24th January

We continued adding fractions this week but this time the fractions had different denominators. This was difficult at first but once we followed the success criteria step by step we found it a lot easier.


In science, we continued investigating forces. We looked at how some objects have been designed to reduce air resistance by reducing their surface area, for example a Formula One racing car. We tested different forces using a ramp, we used books to change the incline to see what happened.


Week 2; 13th-17th January

This week we continued our work on fractions. Looking at adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominators. We jumped right into the challenge and Miss Mc Gill was so proud of our final work! We started to design and create our 3D volcano models in DT using bottles and cardboard, whilst learning how to paper mache using newspaper, water and glue to create our ideal volcanic structures.


Week 1; 6th-10th January

And we are back!

Year 5 are well rested and ready to take on 2025! We have been introduced to our new topic this week; Natural Disasters. We looked at how volcanos are formed and where they get their unique names from. We even investigated the parts of a volcano to help us understand what happens during a volcanic eruption. We had a go at guessing where the ring of fire was located and discussed how this area is famous for volcanos is a result of plate tectonics and their meeting points called subduction zones. We are so excited to continue our studies on natural disasters in the upcoming weeks.


Week 14; 16th-20th December

As we approach the Christmas holidays Year 5 have been finishing off their Gallery Rebels topic. What better way to end our topic than a special visit to the Manx Museum! We had so much fun investigating different pieces of Manx art and visiting Julia Ashby Smiths art exhibition.




Week 13; 9-14th December

This week we had our last Isle Listen session before Christmas. We played some emotion Jenga and discussed a variety of topics such as online safety, emotions and anxiety.


Week 12; 2nd-6th December 2024

This week we have been helping out in Year 1! Year 5 have been super busy telling stories, engaging in phonics and of course playing some fun games. We have also been learning how to up-skill our writing through metaphors and similes to create engaging comparisons for our readers. This week In art we investigated a range of interesting artists and their most famous artwork including:Andy Warhol, M.C. Escher, Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso.


Week 11; 18th-22nd November 2024

This week we had so much fun learning our model text in English. We created plays in small groups to help us memorise the story and spot some of our very important key vocabulary through muscle memory actions. Miss Cooke and Miss Mc Gill loved watching us all preform! In yoga this week we had some very challenging stretches and posses to hold. We had to get our team working skills into use and work together in order to create downward dog... in the air! After challenging ourselves and pushing our flexibility to the max, we were so proud of what we were able to achieve. We had some super yoga stars again this week- well done girls.

To end the week we had the pleasure of watching a wonderful Snow White pantomime performance. The actors had travelled from England to preform at our school, what a lovely surprise! While on the topic of pantomimes, Year 5 actors, dancers and stage heads have all jumped right into action, helping Miss Lyon with the one and only Soill Vallajeelt pantomime (Christmas really has arrived).


Week 10; 11th-15th November 2024

This week was world kindness week and in year 5 we looked at how kindness is a superpower. We also reflected upon the 6Rs and the importance of respect. But that's not all... we joined some fantastic Children in Need activities which were planned and run by the year sixes. We had so much fun raising money for this fantastic cause, and we all looked super cool in our yellow whilst doing so!




Week 9; 4th- 8th November 2024

This week we had our first stay and learn of the year! Year 5 had so much fun working with forced perspective to create a range of optical illusions. We had so many creative and funny pictures by the end of the lesson, well done everyone and thank you to everyone who came along and joined in!

We have created a video collage to display how fantastic the pictures turned out, this will be avalible to view on ItsLearning, we hope you enjoy :)




HALF TERM - 25th- 4th November 2024

Week 8; 21st-25th October 2024

Can you believe its the last week of school before half term already! What a busy and fun filled term we have had- we are so excited to see what the rest of this year has in store for us!

This week we brought our chocolate bar creations that we have been planing in DT to life, they were marvellous! We also finished our literacy by creating some super persuasive writing advertisements for our very own chocolate factories. To top off the week week we earned some reward time which involved games in the hall for Miss Mc Gills class, and a yummy McDonalds treat for Mrs Cooke's class.

Week 7; 14th-18th October 2024

Another busy week in year 5, which included another trip out of school!! This week we went on a visit to High Tilt Farm in Kirk Michael. We were guided around the farm by the lovely Claire and Mike. We collected eggs, feed the sheep, stroked some goats and seen some donkeys, turkeys and cattle! Claire was very knowledgeable and helped us to understand the process of getting our food from source to shelf. She told us loads of things that even the teachers didn't know! There was a lot of walking around, standing and listening during the trip and Miss McGill, Mrs Cooke and Mrs Parry were so proud at how well we did, we were all in the appreciation book for star assembly!


Also this week, we have been doing some short burst writing activities, addition and subtraction in numeracy and in music we have been reading pieces of music and creating our own melody.


Week 6; 7th-11th October 2024

What a fantastic week we have had!

First up on Monday was our last session of the year doing Forest School... it was a wet one at Lesters Yard


On Tuesday we all had so much fun on our school trip to Ardwhallen Outdoor Learning Centre. We learnt some new bushcraft skills including knot tying, fire making and shelter building. We also baked some 'fire bread' outside before the rain set in and washed us away. Despite the weather we jumped right into all of our activities like true adventurers! After our lunch, we completed a bug hunt in the forest, built bug hotels and made some epic bird feeders before making our journey back to school.708_708_44fbe9e83857c92ee2775492e9a67760.png?m=1729105707


This week we finished off our place value mathematics unit. We finished up by playing some rounding games and challenging our friends for a win:whilst showcasing our brilliant knowledge.

Mrs Cooke and Miss Mc Gill were very impressed with our hard work and determination this term, which was reflected admirably in our end of unit test results!


Week 5; 30th-4th October 2024

This week was our penultimate week at Forest School and our last one at the woodlands area as the children have asked to go Lesters Yard next week. Some of the girls finished making a ladder for their den, Chris and Chris (Forest School Leaders) were very impressed! There was also a lot of Tarzan noises as some children were using the vines to swing through the trees.



On Tuesday both classes enjoyed a trip to Robinsons to learn about the different fruit and veg they supply. We also visited the fish market where we held some fish and stroked some lobsters. When we got back to school we got to try loads of different fruit that Robinsons gave us.


What a fun filled week with had because on Thursday we also had Rock Kids which was AMAZING! We loved dancing and singing and especially enjoyed Miss McGill and Mrs Cooke taking part in the dance battle.


Week 4; 23rd-27th September 2024

This week we looked at how to write an out of this world scientific conclusion. We used different coloured pens to effectively answer our overall question of 'what happens to fruit when we leave it in different conditions.' We found that the apples had various responses for example, the frozen apple had stayed exactly the same due to the freezing process keeping it fresh. We discovered that the apple in water had grown in size alongside changing colour and becoming very slimy. We had so much fun conducting our first science experiment of year 5!



We sorted a range of pictures into their physical and human geographical features and discussed where these places are in the world.


Week 3; 16th-20th September 2024

Back to forest school we go! We had so much fun exploring the forest, building forts and mastering our firesteel skills to light fires using cotton wool.

This week in DT we explored food advertising and marketing. We looked into how our favourite chocolate bars are labeled and wrapped, thinking about the colour, size and pictures used to appeal to potential buyers. We delved further into fair trade, registered business labels, nutritional information and food allergies to assess how brands make products successful, fair and scrumptious!

Week 2; 9th-13th September 2024

This week we have been looking at how to plan a fair test in science. Our experiment involved leaving chopped pieces of apple in various different environments: fridge, freezer, dark cupboard, light window, submerged in water, and in a sealed jar. In doing so we devised a plan as a class and then created individual predictions in our science books to record what we think will happen to the apples after they have sat in different conditions for one whole week.

In Geography we have been learning to recall the continents and oceans of the world. We have also been learning how to use atlases, jumping into a tricky atlas scavenger hunt where Miss Mc Gill and Mrs Cooke set us the challenge of locating specific cities and rivers within each continent! We will be map whizzes in no time!

Week 1; 4th-6th September 2024

What a brilliant first week back!

Year 5 have been super busy as we embark on our new learning journey - Scrumdiddlyumptious. We have some fantastic learning experiences ahead. Roll on year 5!

