Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Our last week in Year 4!!!!!

What a week it was! We really enjoyed baking cookies and were very sad to say goodbye to Elsie! We hope she settles well in to her new home and school.




W/C 24th June

This week is a busy one, with lots of exciting activities taking place. First we are starting today



W/C 6th May

This week has been unbelievable! We have only been in four days but we have done so much!

We've continued with our Manx Lessons and doing our Yoga sessions on Thursday afternoon, but this week we had the extra treat of doing a cricket session between them. We worked on our bowling and batting and got to play on the field.

We've also had 'Walk To School Week' we've all tried our best to walk even a little bit of a distance into school.



W/C 29th April

This week we have been really busy. We have continued looking at our topic about the IOM TT and newspaper articles.

On Wednesday, we performed at our Eurovision competition. We tried really hard and everyone loved our performance, it was such a tough competition and we came third! Mr Molyneux and Miss Williams were so proud of us all. We can't wait to perform it for you at our class assembly!


W/C 22nd April

This has been a busy week, preparations for Eurovision as well as continuing with the rest of regular work. We also had a visit from Isle Listen on Wednesday, which was lots of fun.

We have got to use a Green screen to make a video for our Eurovision performance. We used iPads to do all the filming ourselves, our arms hurt a lot by the time we finished filming. We also used a Just Dance video that goes with our song so that we add a bit more performance to it.

In literacy this week, we have been looking at trying to write a 90 second news report about the TT. We worked in groups trying to think of what the most important information was for the viewer. Some of the work was better than the normal news Mr Molyneux said.




W/C 15th April

This week we have started our new topic on the Isle of Man TT. In History, we had to try and put pictures of motorbikes in order from oldest to newest. We had to explain our reasoning and why we thought some were older than others.




W/C 25th March

We had a really busy week. We went to Forest School on Monday, where we got to keep working on our Dens and we ever had marshmellows! On Tuesday we went to the Wild Life Park where we got to see some amazing rainforest animals. We even got to try raw chocolate, which we all loved! (Ewwwww). On Thursday Miss Williams took part in Mr Molyneux's Generation Game where she came joint second. She had to rap to 'Your Welcome' from 'Moana' which she did really well.





W/C 18th March

This week has been very busy with us finishing off literacy work, but we have had a chance to still have some fun. Monday as usual we went to Forest School, if you would like to see a short video of some interesting 'Cooking' it is on our itslearning page. On Wednesday was Happiness Day, Miss Williams put on a wonderful crafts making session and Mr Molyneux put on his Indie Disco. The Children had great fun and enjoyed all the other opportunities they had on the day.



W/C 11th March

We started the week with another exciting trip to Forest School, seeing if we could swing far enough to reach Mr Molyneux with our muddy wellies! We kept building our Dens and got to do lots of fun activities like making a fire with flint and steels.





On Tuesday morning some of us got to use our fractions knowledge from this term to make Pizzas. Unfortunately, it wasn't real pizza! But we really enjoyed it and got to make a variety of different types of pizzas. NO PINEAPPLE!




W/C 4th March

This week we celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. There were some amazing costumes and well done to Mila and Seth who took part in the 'Off By Heart' competition, they really did year 4 proud.

Also, on Monday we started Forest School again. Thankfully, it didn't rain and we got to have lots of fun doing a variety of things.






W/C 26th February

Welcome back to the second part of the Spring term.

This week we have continued with our Manx Lessons. We really enjoy it and are starting to feel more confident using some Manx phrases.



W/C 12th February

It was a very busy final week of the term, with our amazing stories we have been writing about the Titanic. On Friday we roleplayed the Titanic sinking and the children found out if their passengers survived or not. It was obviously as chaotic as the real thing! We also had our 'Dress as an Animal Day', collecting money for the MSPCA.




W/C 5th February

This week has been 'Mental Health Week' and we had a visit on Wednesday from Isle Listen.

We spoke about our inner voices and what we say to ourselves, how we need to try and keep positive thoughts so that we can get through those tricky times when we are struggling.






W/C 29th January

We've had a very busy week. On Monday we had visitors in from Ballakermeen who shared a story with us all, which was nice of them and we enjoyed hearing it. We've been very physical this week taking part in dancing and cricket (There will be a video available soon on itslearning, I will put the link here when it is done).

Then to top it off, on Friday during our I.C.T. lesson we programmed step counters! Mr Molyneux then took us out to try them out on the playground. Making us run around and see who could get the most steps in 3 minutes. Some of us had figured out how to adapt our coding to make our steps seem bigger, we all started on 0 but when we finished there were some on 85, but some on 17,450! (Very sneaky of us)





W/C 22nd January 2024

This week we have continued trying to learn how to use morse code, we have been learning how to do our names.

We also had scooter skills this week, typical for us it was in the rain! We had good fun though and learnt how to use our scooters safely. Making certain we also had the correct equipment to be safe on the pavement.








Miss Williams' class presented their Titanic homework this week, they all did such a fantastic job! Well done everyone!


W/C 15th January 2024

This week we have been looking at setting descriptions in literacy. Using our senses to help set a scene for the reader to have a better understanding of where things are taking place.

We also have been looking at Electrical circuits in Science and have created basic loops, making buzzers sound and lights come on.

In I.C.T. we have continued work on our coding and have made animations on our Micro:bit computers.

4M have also started learning how to play the recorder. Mr Molyneux said 'You are the best class I've ever done this with!', after learning how to play 'Mary had a little lamb' AND 'Baby Shark' in our first lesson!



W/C 8th January 202


We've had such a busy and exciting first week back. Maths we were looking at area and we figured out of the area of our classroom. In science we walked around school and took photos

off lots of different electronic items that we use. Finally, in ICT we got to have a go on our brand new Micro:bits computers, where we put code into the computers to make them Micro:bits

make noises, send messages. It was very exciting! I've also put up a picture of our new wall display in Meadow Hall, all about our previous topic of America. You can see our wonderful

thanksgiving turkey with everyones feathers attached!








W/C 4th December

This week we took part in the Reindeer run, as you can see it was lovely weather and we were so happy to do it! You can see from our faces before and after we started. We raised so much money though, so thank you very much for supporting us!






W/C 20th November

This week has been very full on and we have done lots of exciting activities. We have had a look at a variety of different percussive instruments in music, as well as making gifts for the Christmas Fayre next week. Then on Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving, getting to play different American games and then celebrated with you all in the afternoon. It was lovely to see everyone and celebrate being thankful, something we don't always do. We also had a visit from a group who performed a Pantomime for us 'Sinbad the Sailor', we all really enjoyed it and it really got us ready for the Christmas season.








W/C 13th November

This week has been very busy and very exciting! On Monday it was 'World Kindness Day' and we got to design a poster to advertise it. We made them very colourful and used lots of different quotes about kindness to help us decorate.

On Wednesday it was Stay and Learn, we hope you enjoyed getting to be part of our class and talking to us about different emotions. We had lots of fun. Especially giggling at the very angry little girl.

In the afternoon on Wednesday we had Music and Mr Molyneux brought in some of his Woodwind musical instruments to let us hear and have a go on them. We learnt that woodwind instruments usually have reeds in them and that is what vibrates to make the sound. None of us managed to play anything on the Bagpipes as we just needed to much breath!

On Thursday we got to speak to Mr Molyneux's friend Rebekah in San Diego! She got up at 6:30 in the morning to talk to us! We asked her lots of questions about growing up in America and the differences between states. We are now asking Miss Lyon if we can have the same Summer Vacation (Holidays) as American schools! They finish at the start of June and stay off to September!!!!







W/C 6th November

This week we had a visit from Isle Listen who spoke to us about our feelings and how we should feel comfortable to share them with people. We then played a game where we spoke about when we have felt happy, scared, sad, nervous. We were all very honest and were very sensible when listening to others.

After that Mr Molyneux set us a challenge. As we are looking at America we were given a map and the state abbreviations and had to try and name all 50 states. He made it more challenging by putting us in a race against him to see who could finish first. Mr Molyneux struggled and WE ALMOST BEAT HIM! He only outdid us by a couple of seconds!




W/C 30th October

Welcome back to our second half term!

This term we will be looking at The USA as our topic, we have lots of fun activities and events planned over the coming weeks so we hope that you can join us for some of them.

This week in music we have been learning about different types of stringed instruments. We learnt that you can play them by plucking, bowing, strumming or even on some slapping! Mr Molyneux then showed us some of his own stringed instruments and he let us have a go on them to see if we could figure out how they were played.






W/C 16th October

As it was the end of term we went for a school trip to visit Rushen Abbey and learn how to make potions like in Harry Potter. We had great fun smelling all the different ingredients, collecting them and making our concoctions to cure toothache! We then got to make our own tiles and decorate them. It was a shame that it was raining and the weather was rubbish, but we still got to have a quick look around the grounds trying to notice similarities with Hogwarts.








W/C 9th October

This week we had a lot of fun activities including a skipping workshop, where we were taught how to do different tricks with skipping ropes and how we can play a variety of games. We then had a visit from Young Engineers where we worked in pairs to create a fairground ride using lego. We then had to innovate out rides, making certain they remained safe. We could make them bigger or faster! Some of us unfortunately lost our passengers by making them go TOO FAST!




W/C 2nd October

This week in History we have been looking at what the times were like when Harry Potter was first released back in 1997!

Mr Molyneux was more excited than we were about all the fun things he brought to show us. We saw some of the crazes that were popular at the time, such as Pogs, Proyo Yo Yo, Tamagotchis, Crazy Bones, Buzz Lightyear, Power Rangers. We even got to see a camera that didn't use a Memory Card AND it had a lens cap on it! The thing that made us laugh the most was that Mr Molyneux still had some of the stories he read in reception, they were so EASY!



W/C 25th September

This week in literacy we have been looking at synonyms and how we can improve our writing with more exciting words. We had to use different ways of finding synonyms by using a thesaurus and the internet.

We then wrote them down on A3 paper so we can use them again when we are writing our own stories.



W/C 18th September

This week were visited by a real-life, famous children's author and illustrator called Simon Murray. He visited the year 4 children to teach them how to illustrate the Icky Doo Dah character, the children loved it and were fully engaged, producing some amazing illustrations themselves! Some children also bought some of his books which he kindly signed for them.


