Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Nature Club Tuesday 28th Sept 21
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This week in nature Club we became FUNGUS HUNTERS! We didn’t have to go far to find some examples of amazing fungi. We checked the edges of the field and garden because we found out that fungi like moist and mild conditions. We wanted to find Fly Agaric, Dead Man’s Fingers or Brain Fungus but we we…

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Nature Club Tuesday 21st Sept 2021
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Last week in Nature Club we looked at some real nests. We discussed that nests should never be collected unless it’s winter and you’re certain that they’re not being used. We talked about what makes a good nest and why they are usually round. Then we went outside and had a go at building our own ne…

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Venture Centre Friday 21st May
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Our last day and we travelled back to the Mooragh Park for raft building....and then raft launching and hopefully floating. What a brilliant time had by all. Super team work, super learning and super fun!

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Venture Centre Thursday 20th May 21
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Wet and windy but that didn't stop the fun and the learning! A day spent in the tree tops using the high ropes and the tyres to navigate at height through the forest. Then learning how to light a fire and enjoying some tasty treats!

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Venture Centre Wednesday 19th May 21
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Gorge walking today in the fabulous weather! Sliding down the streams on rocks, wading through water and basically getting drenched. Exhausted children and staff by the end fo the day and hopefully a good nights rest?!?!

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Y6 Venture Centre Trip May 2021-Tuesday
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The children had another jam-packed day this time at the Mooragh Park and they were blessed with good weather which always helps when you're on the water. After instruction on how to use the sailing boat and harness the wind, they were let loose on the Mooragh Lake to practise these new skills. The…

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Y6 Venture Centre Trip May 2021-Monday
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The children arrived safely at The Venture Centre and immediately got stuck in to the activities. Blessed with glorious weather, they had a fantastic time and finished the day with a long, coastal walk. Mrs. Dixon will be sending some photos of some of the activities so we can share these on the we…

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Hockey Tournament Thursday 15th October 2020
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On the morning of 15th October 2020, a team of 10 children strong went to compete against the other Douglas South schools at the 2020 Primary School’s Eastern 1 Hockey Festival. This year it was organised as a ‘round robin’ competition so that we played all other local schools. Having orientated ou…

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