Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

The Big Splash Hospice IOM March 2022
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Scoill Vallajeelt are taking part in The Big Splash for Hospice IOM. Remember the wallabies from 2019? This year the theme is dolphins and Meadow Campus has committed to raise £1000 for Hospice IOM and in return, we get to decorate 2 dolphin statues. These will be displayed at different indoor venu…

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World Book Day Thursday 3rd March 2022
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World Book Day was fantastic. Lots of children (and adults!) had worked really hard to put a costume together for the day where we celebrate the joy and love we have for books around the world. Each teacher had to choose one child from their class as a winner and it was incredibly hard as so many c…

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Daffodil Competition-Tuesday 1st March 2022
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Douglas Borough Council came into school to judge the entries of the daffodil growing competition on Tuesday 1st March. There are two elements to the competition-the Best Daffodil in each class and then the Best Decorated Pot in each class. Taking care of a daffodil so it grows from a bulb into a f…

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Friday 18th February 2022
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Y3 have been exploring with clay and learning about it's properties-it's cold, malleable and you can easily press designs onto it's flat surface. They've also found out that you don't get too many chances with clay too-it will dry if you handle it with your warm hands too much. So think before you…

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Nature Club Tuesday 15th February
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Today in nature club we went for a sound bath! It’s so tricky to keep our bodies and minds still sometimes but it’s a little easier when we can listen to the wonderful birdsong in our local environment. We all enjoyed being truly present in the moment and then tried to spot the birds that had been…

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Nature Club Tuesday 8th February 2022
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Today in Nature Club we made some bird feeders to hang in the bushes behind the school to help the birds as they start to get ready for their busiest time of year. We used plastic drinks bottles, sticks and seeds. It’s amazing what you can do with things that you find lying around!

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Nature Club Tuesday 18th January 2022
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Today in Nature Club we collected materials from around the school grounds and used them to create a piece of “ten minute organic art”. A frantic fifteen minutes resulted in some wonderful creations and a great activity to try at home or on a walk.

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Nature Club Thursday 4th November 21
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Today we put in a mini pond! It shouldn’t take too long to fill up with rainwater and soon we’ll have all sorts of beasties living in it and using it to find drinking water and to wash in. Thank you to the families who have donated goodies from the list already. NB – It’s made from a sandcastle buc…

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Nature Club Tuesday 28th Sept 21
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This week in nature Club we became FUNGUS HUNTERS! We didn’t have to go far to find some examples of amazing fungi. We checked the edges of the field and garden because we found out that fungi like moist and mild conditions. We wanted to find Fly Agaric, Dead Man’s Fingers or Brain Fungus but we we…

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