Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Friday 22nd December 2018 Christmas Jumper Day
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There is no better way to finish the term than have a Christmas Jumper Day! Wear your wackiest woolly to get you into the Christmas mood! Congratulations to all the children who took part and also the staff who got into the spirit!

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Thursday 21st December Carols at Kirk Braddan
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What a wonderful turn out to support the children as they performed their carol concert at Kirk Braddan on Thursday morning. The church was packed out! Each class sang their Christmas songs that narrated the story of the first Christmas. It certainly put everyone in the Christmas mood. Thank you to…

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Thursday 7th December 2018 School Christmas Fayre
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Thank you to the Friends of Scoill Vallajeelt who organised a superb Christmas Fayre after school. There were lots of fun stalls including favourites such as the Chocolate Tombola and also the craft stalls which featured items made by the pupils. There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall and everyo…

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Monday 4th December 2018 School Council visit the Town Hall
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The School Council went to Douglas Town Hall to meet Councillor Pitts and have a tour of the Chambers. They learned about what Douglas Borough Council does to help people and also the roles of councillors and the mayor. Afterwards they had some refreshments with Councillor Pitts. It was a very info…

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Monday 27th November 2017 Happy 25th Birthday Scoill Vallajeelt!!
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To celebrate the 25th birthday of the school, the children enjoyed an enrichment day on Monday 27th November 2017. The children chose to work with other age ranges across the school doing activities such as making bunting, cake decorating and even party games. One member of staff, Miss Conway, has…

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Children in Need Friday 17th November 2017
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To raise money for Children in Need, our children came to school dressed in spots! We had spotty tights, spotty trousers, spotty onesies, spotty faces, spotty t-shirts and any items of clothing you can think of! Barclays Bank have kindly offered to double the amount we raised in school! To get us i…

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Friday 10th November-Remembrance Day Poppy Wreath
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Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl, went to lay a poppy wreath at the war memorial at Braddan Church on Friday 10th November on behalf of the children and staff at Scoill Vallajeelt. The children supported the Royal British Legion by buying poppies in school all week. The chi…

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Tag Rugby-Monday 23rd October 2017
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Y3 represented the school in Tag Rugby Competition at the NSC. Mr. George was really pleased how they played as a team and how they used their skills they had learned with MSR in lessons. Our team won all of their matches and they were so proud coming back into school to share their triumph with th…

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The Big Draw-Wednesday 25th October 2017
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Thank you to all the parents and friends who came to school on Wednesday 25th October to take part in The Big Draw. All the challenges were based around developing a growth mindset and helping the children to realise that tricky things help our brains grow. Y5 were drawing without being able to see…

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