Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Vision Awareness Week Monday 11th Sept 2017
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Manx Blind Welfare came on Monday to help us understand what we can do to keep our eyes healthy. We had fruit kebabs! Did you know that the brighter the fruit, the better it is to help your eyes develop and be healthy? On Friday, we came to school dressed in BRIGHT CLOTHES to show that we know how…

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Y1 Harry is a winner!
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Harry won the Davison's ice cream competition to design your own flavour. His idea was toffee apple so Davison's came to school and gave free ice cream's to the whole class to celebrate Harry's success! Yum yum!

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Y6 Crucial Crew Tuesday 20th June 2017
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Y6 took part in the Crucial Crew activities. The Crucial Crew is a day of problem solving where the children have different tasks to explore and solve which are related to real life situations. Different organisations such as the Police and Fire Brigade set up different scenarios to challenge the d…

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Y3 Trip to Jurby Transport Museum Tuesday 13th June 2017
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Y3 went to Jurby Transport Museum to have a look at the historical vehicles displayed there. They also had the chance to make their own vehicle using DT skills. They had a super time and the staff at the museum commented how well-behaved and polite the children were. Excellent day out!

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Y3 Visit to Barool Suite Thursday 1st June 2017
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Y3 visited the Barool Suite in the Legislative Buildings as part of the Isle of Architecture Year and had the opportunity to draw the skyline of Douglas with some architects. They had a fantastic time and also were able to share their favourite Manx building and give reasons why it is something the…

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Y5 Science 16th June 2017
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Y5 have been learning about flowering plants-labelling the parts of the plant, learning about their functions and also how the plant reproduces. Last week, they dissected lily flowers and labelled the different parts.

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International Week 22nd May 2017-China
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During this week, the children took part in activities to learn about a different country. This year we chose China and all the classes spoke about what they would like to find out which meant there was a complete variety in our learning. Amongst other activities, Y4 made some excellent dragon pupp…

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School Summer Fayre-Saturday 20th May 2017
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We really appreciated all your support for our Summer Fayre. We had scrummy cakes, fantastic donations for our Pamper Hamper and Italian Hamper and also choctastic and bottletastic contributions for our tombola. The weather held out for us and lots of people came to support us. Big thank you to Y5…

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