Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

On Wednesday 9th October the school council children and ambassadors went to observe a Douglas Council Meeting at the City Hall. The trip linked in well with the role of the School Council as it helped the children to understand the wider role of the council and how they meet to make decisions on behalf of others to make a positive contribution to society. The aim is for us to run our council meetings in a very similar way.

Before they went into the meeting, they had juice and biscuits with the Mayor who spoke to them in more detail about her role and gave them the opportunity to ask questions. She even let the children try on the chains and hold the mace (see gallery for more pictures). During the meeting the children had to sit very quietly to ensure they didn’t disturb the running of the meeting, they all did this and the Mayor was very impressed with how they all conducted themselves!