Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

What a busy week for Y5-but that is how Mrs. Dixon likes it!
Y5 went to Ramsey to take part in the Primary School Cycling Pursuit Championships on the specially constructed track which the professionals would be using the following day.
Although only 4 children took part, the rest of the class went to support as we all know how a crowd can lift the mood and performance of athletes.
There were some really amazing moments as the children got to know the track-including the banked section which was a phenomenal height.
Thanks to Rob Holden for organising this event and showing our children that they can follow in the footsteps of Cav and Kennaugh!