Scoill Vallajeelt

"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment.
 Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised...
 to be the best we can."

Headteacher Miss Denise Lyon
Deputy Headteacher Mrs. E. Dixon

Teaching Staff
Reception Mrs. M. Larson
Year 1 Mrs. M. Maurel
Year 2 Ms. Bradbury
Year 3 Ms. Maestri-Banks
Year 4 Mr. E. Molyneux
Year 5 Miss Williams
Miss. E. McGill
Year 6 Mrs. E. Dixon

PPA Mrs. J. Kinrade
Mrs. S. Kelly

Nursery Nurse Miss J. Conway

Educational Support Assistants
Mrs. B. Parry
Mrs. C. Asbridge
Mrs. E. Entwistle
Mrs. F. Keen
Mrs. G. Keiver

School Administrator
Mrs. C. Cooper

Mrs. S. Counsell

Mrs. H. Green
Ms. R. King

Lunchtime Ancillary Staff
Mrs. M. Whittaker
Mrs. D. Lunt
Mrs. J. Irving
Mrs. Z. Pinkerton
Mrs. G. Keiver
Mrs. S. Brain

Governing Body
Chair Mrs. J. Thomas
Parent Gov Vacancy
Teacher Gov Mrs. M. Larson
Co-opted Gov Mrs. J. Thomas
Education Council Mr. A. Downie

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School Information

On this page you will find lots of useful information about our school. Scoill Vallajeelt is a one-form entry primary school in the Isle of Man about 2 miles outside of Douglas. IOM School Holiday Dates 22-23, 23-24, 24-25 School Hours Catchment area Swi…

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