"We are a learning community, working together to provide a safe, caring and supportive environment. Our learning journey will be creative, challenging and personalised... to be the best we can."
On Wednesday 6th November, children from the school council, as well as our school ambassadors, went for a tour around Tynwald. They went into all three chambers: Green Chamber – House of Keys, Red Chamber – Legislative Council and Blue Chamber – Tynwald.
All the children were a credit to Scoill Vallajeelt and they asked some great questions during the visit which impressed both our tour guide Julia and MHK Mrs Maltby. The children listened intently to everything they had to say. A huge thank you once again to Julia and Mrs Maltby for a memorable experience for all children-especially at the end where they got to use the voting system in the House of Keys.
At the end of the tour all the children were presented with a lovely certificate and a little gift.