Thank you to all the parents and friends who came to school on Wednesday 25th October to take part in The Big Draw.
All the challenges were based around developing a growth mindset and helping the children to realise that tricky things help our brains grow.
Y5 were drawing without being able to see the hand their pencil was in, Y3 drew a 3D portrait with each child adding their perspective from where they were sitting and Y2 made flip books. Everyone had lots of fun and had a chance of trying something that was tough and having to be resilient. Well done to Y6 who drew cityscapes with amazing perspective, Y4 who did some zentangling (?!), Y1 who learned about symmetry and Reception who had different exploration stations.
We will be doing more sessions in the future where parents can come and learn alongside the children.
The Big Draw-Wednesday 25th October 2017